Monday, 3 November 2008

So I'm going to be idle today - I sat down here because I wanted to write, but you know I'm terribly tired and have a stinking cold so I'm just going to post some photos - they speak for themselves I think...

This was the sun climbing up through a bank of cloud early this morning. The photo doesn't do the colours justice at all - as is usually the way of these things...

I just think the colours are so wonderful at this time of year. It's a general thing, but Beech tress are especially spectacular, don't you think?
We drive past this wood if we're going between Brigham and Lowthorpe. FB loves the way the trees reach out over the road and make a frame for our journey. "Now we're going through the beech woods!". It's also a favourite place to walk.

I just thought the fallen leaves looked pretty against the grass... Good for collecting and making things with too!

It's just a lovely, peaceful place to be!

A little green and gold canopy...

Today's soundtrack - Pekko Kappi - Jos Ken Pahoin Uneksii - joyful and uplifting...

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