I've had a busy weekend, but I've been longing to come here and post my photos!!
When I woke on Saturday morning I thought FB must have slept really late because there seemed to be so much light in the room, and so I was surprised when I looked at the clock and realised it was before 7... It wasn't until half an hour later, after cuddles and snuggles, that we opened the curtains and realised why the world was so light...

FBs initial response was to bury his head in my pillow! But eventually I convinced him that snow is exciting and beautiful, not scary!

I felt like a child myself, giddy and excited, anxious to get outside and be in the snow as soon as possible. The world was muffled and quiet, still and beautiful and utterly, utterly magical! And funny, having only just posted my thoughts on spiralling into winter, so wake to find myself so deep in wintery-ness! The sky was so with thick with snow that the sun was barely visible as a small, pale disc struggling through all that grey. Robins made Christmas cards of the garden, picking at the bruised apples on the bird table, knocking snow off the feeders as they sought out seed. And the rooks shone black, stark against the snow as they poked those long, sharp beaks through the blanket of white to search out tasty morsels in the field below.
We drove (slowly, carefully!) the few miles over to my parents to share our excitement about the snow and for me to have the opportunity to talk through my job interview presentation with them. Their house sits on the top of a small hill - we tried, and failed to make it up the curve of their drive, so parked by the hen house where the hens sat and stubbornly refused to leave the warmth of the house for the entire day.

Sunday was a baking day - inspired by the snow we baked sticky cinnamon rolls (and then ate too many of them) and roasted and stuffed one of my mother's pumpkins. And then while FB slept, I made the final changes to my presentation and tried hard to stay relaxed, reminding myself of my last post here, and my determination to be active and positive in shaping the future I'm trying to make...
And it worked. I left the interview feeling happy with what I had done, but fairly certain that I wouldn't get the job. I was wrong - they called this evening to offer it to me. And so here is the beginning of yet another new chapter, and I cannot accuse myself of coasting! The snow is all but gone - just a few traces along the hedgerows where it had managed to make little drifts. And I emerge from that slightly unreal world of the weekend, out of that muffled quiet, a new bud, a new beginning.

1 comment:
Oh C what beautiful photographs and what fantastic news about your job. Good luck!
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