Wednesday, 4 February 2009

A smile in grey day...

How lovely to realise that my friend Lucie has tagged me on her blog!! What a lovely surprise!

So I'm a bit new to these things and I don't really know if I can fulfill all the requirements of this tag, but what I can certainly do is say, should you be reading this and not already know about it, please do go and check out Lucie's blog at

Now let's see... The rules are:

* link to the person who gave you the award

* post the rules on your blog

* list six things that make you happy

* tag six people at the end of your post and link to them

* let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog

* let the person who awarded you know when your entry is up.

So 6 things that make me happy - only 6! How can I choose! Ask me tomorrow and you'll get a different list I suspect... But here's what makes me happy just now

1. My boy (obviously!)

2. The rest of my family

3. Hand-spun, hand-dyed wool

4. The sun turning the wide sky pink and orange, morning and evening

5. The moon hanging pale in a twilight sky

6. A particular part of the Suffolk coast that is the home of my heart...

And now, 6 lovely people that I'm supposed to tag - only I don't know 6 people to tag (apart from those Lucie already tagged!) So I'm sorry not to pass it on...

Thankyou Lucie, for brightening a grey day!

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