It's been days full of icy cold, breath freezing as it rises, pale moons that never set, bloody red sunrises and lilac, pink and grey sunsets...

We had a walk with some friends on Beverley Westwoods - FB had fun spotting things (most exciting find:- dead leaves!) and finding dens to play in. But the cold chased us home after an hour or so. (mental note: where can I get thermal long johns to fit a coming-up 4 year old? Or maybe I should just buy him some tights... I used to when he was a baby...)

He's growing so fast - clothes not long new to him are getting shorter in leg and sleave. He's a great long boy - always was. I shall never forget the moment he was lifted out of me, held up for me to see, and as they lifted he just seemed to keep on coming and coming and coming... I thought 'where on earth did all that baby come from?', this great long, lean boy being lifted out of the hole they'd made in my belly...
And now here he is with all that fine straw-coloured hair, charging round the woods, jumping on my bed and growing out of his clothes... Looking like his mama...

... And his dad...
Dear C, your young FB is a beautiful boy!
Well, I think so, but I'm terribly biased!! Thankyou Kelly - you just made a mama glow with love and pride... Xx
I just came across your blog from a link from another blog and noticed your comment about thermal long johns - marks and spencers do some - I managed to get some for my almost 2 year old :) x
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